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【官网】HONOR/荣耀X40 新品智能5G手机120Hz 曲面屏 5100mAh快充 高通骁龙5G芯片正品官方旗舰店学生拍照X30

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204.83 $ 219.47 $
Network type
Body color
Package type
Storage capacity
Version type
  • 100 — 1999 шт 5000$ per piece.
  • 2000 — 50119 шт 4000$ per piece.
  • 50120+ шт 3000$ per piece.
Available 200 pcs.
204.83 $
+ Shipping in China 0.0$
Not available
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Inspection + photo report for $1.5.

We check the goods and take a photo report so you can make sure you get the right product without faults or damage

Delivery from China to Ukraine, Uzbekistan, European and African countries

Payable upon arrival at the warehouse in China

Returns are only possible while the item is in our warehouse in China. Once the goods have been dispatched from China, they cannot be returned


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